
Exploring Different Types of ISO Standards for Organisational Excellence

types of iso standards

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International Organization for Standardization [ISO] is an independent, non-governmental international Organisation that develops & publishes Standards for various industries & fields. It was founded in 1947 & its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

International Organization for Standardization [ISO] standards play a crucial role in various industries by providing a framework for quality management, environmental management, occupational health & safety, information security & many other areas. ISO standards are essential in ensuring consistent quality, safety & environmental responsibility across various industries. They help organisations to improve their processes, reduce costs & increase customer satisfaction while complying with regulatory requirements. These standards are developed by technical committees made up of experts from various industries & countries & they are regularly reviewed & updated to reflect changes in technology, regulations & industry practices.

ISO has published over twenty four thousand (24,000) Standards covering a wide range of topics. ISO standards are voluntary, but many organisations choose to adopt them to improve their operations, meet customer requirements & comply with regulations. ISO certification is a third-party verification that an organisation’s management system meets the requirements of a specific ISO standard. The purpose of this Journal is to explore different types of Standards published by ISO & their significance to the organisations. 

Quality Management Standards

ISO 9001: The cornerstone of Quality Management Systems

ISO 9001 is a Standard for Quality Management Systems [QMS]. It provides a framework for companies to establish processes & procedures to consistently deliver products & services that meet customer & regulatory requirements. The Standard covers areas such as customer focus, leadership, process management & continuous improvement. By implementing ISO 9001, companies can improve their overall efficiency, reduce waste & increase customer satisfaction.

ISO 13485: Quality management for Medical Devices

ISO 13485 is a Standard for Quality Management Systems [QMS] specific to the medical device industry. It provides a framework for companies to establish processes & procedures to consistently deliver safe & effective medical devices that meet regulatory & customer requirements. The Standard covers areas such as risk management, design & development, production & service controls & regulatory compliance. By implementing ISO 13485, companies can improve their overall Quality Management System, reduce risk & increase customer confidence in their products.

ISO 13485 is particularly important for medical device manufacturers, as it is often a regulatory requirement for selling medical devices in many countries. It demonstrates a company’s commitment to Quality Management & ensures that their products meet regulatory requirements. It also helps companies to identify & mitigate risks associated with the design, development & production of medical devices, ensuring that they are safe & effective for patients. 

ISO/TS 16949: Quality Management for Automotive Industry

ISO/TS 16949 is a technical specification for Quality Management Systems specific to the automotive industry. It provides a framework for companies to establish processes & procedures to consistently deliver high-quality products that meet customer & regulatory requirements. The standard covers areas such as product design & development, production & service provision & customer-specific requirements.

ISO/TS 16949 is particularly important for companies in the Automotive Industry, as it is often a requirement for doing business with major Automotive manufacturers. It demonstrates a company’s commitment to quality management & ensures that their products meet the high standards of the automotive industry. By implementing ISO/TS 16949, companies can improve their overall Quality Management System, reduce waste & defects & increase customer satisfaction.

Environmental Management Standards

ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems

ISO 14001 is a standard for Environmental Management Systems. It provides a framework for companies to establish processes & procedures to manage their environmental impact & reduce their carbon footprint. The standard covers areas such as environmental policy, planning, implementation & evaluation, as well as continuous improvement.

By implementing ISO 14001, companies can identify & manage their environmental risks, reduce waste & pollution & improve their overall environmental performance. It also helps companies to comply with environmental regulations & meet the expectations of their stakeholders. ISO 14001 can also have financial benefits for companies, such as reducing costs associated with waste management & energy consumption & improving their reputation & brand image.

ISO 50001: Energy Management Systems

ISO 50001 is a standard for Energy Management Systems. It provides a framework for companies to establish processes & procedures to manage their energy use, reduce energy consumption & improve energy efficiency. The standard covers areas such as energy policy, planning, implementation, measurement & evaluation.

By implementing ISO 50001, companies can identify opportunities to improve their energy performance, set energy reduction targets & implement energy-saving measures. This can result in significant cost savings for companies, as well as reducing their carbon footprint.

The standard also emphasises the importance of continuous improvement, requiring companies to monitor & measure their energy performance & implement corrective actions when necessary. By continuously improving their energy management system, companies can achieve ongoing energy savings & improve their overall energy efficiency.

ISO 14064: Greenhouse Gas Accounting & Verification

ISO 14064 is a standard for greenhouse gas accounting & verification. It provides a framework for companies to measure, report & verify their greenhouse gas emissions & removals. The standard covers three parts: 

  • Part 1 specifies requirements for the quantification & reporting of greenhouse gas emissions & removals.
  • Part 2 provides guidelines for the validation & verification of greenhouse gas assertions.
  • Part 3 provides guidelines for the conducting of greenhouse gas projects.

ISO 14064 is important for companies that want to manage their greenhouse gas emissions & demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability. By implementing ISO 14064, companies can identify their greenhouse gas emissions sources, set reduction targets & implement measures to reduce their emissions. The standard also provides guidelines for the validation & verification of greenhouse gas assertions, ensuring that the reported emissions are accurate & reliable.

Information Security Standards

ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security Management Systems

ISO/IEC 27001 is a standard for Information Security Management Systems [ISMS]. It provides a framework for companies to establish processes & procedures to manage their Information Security Risks & protect their information assets. The standard covers areas such as risk management, security controls & compliance with legal & regulatory requirements.

ISO/IEC 27001 is important for companies that want to protect their sensitive information from unauthorised access, theft or damage. By implementing ISO/IEC 27001, companies can identify their information security risks, implement appropriate security controls & continuously monitor & improve their information security management system. This can help companies to reduce the risk of data breaches & cyber attacks, protect their reputation & brand image & comply with legal & regulatory requirements.

ISO/IEC 27001 can also have financial benefits for companies, such as reducing the costs associated with data breaches & improving their ability to win new business by demonstrating their commitment to information security.

ISO/IEC 27018: Protection of Personal Data in the Cloud

ISO/IEC 27018 is important for cloud service providers that want to demonstrate their commitment to protecting the privacy of personal data stored in the cloud. It provides a framework for cloud service providers to establish processes & procedures to protect the privacy of personal data stored in the cloud. The standard covers areas such as data protection, data access, data portability & data retention.

By implementing ISO/IEC 27018, cloud service providers can implement appropriate security controls, ensure that personal data is only accessed by authorised personnel & provide customers with transparency & control over their personal data. This can help cloud service providers to build trust with their customers & differentiate themselves from competitors.

ISO/IEC 27701: Privacy Information Management Systems

ISO/IEC 27701 is a standard for Privacy Information Management Systems [PIMS]. It is a privacy extension to ISO/IEC 27001 & provides a framework for organisations to manage their privacy risks & protect the personal data they process, store or transmit. The standard covers areas such as data protection, data access, data portability & data retention.

ISO/IEC 27701 is important for organisations that want to demonstrate their commitment to protecting personal data & complying with privacy regulations around the world. By implementing ISO/IEC 27701, organisations can identify their privacy risks, implement appropriate privacy controls & continuously monitor & improve their privacy management system. This can help organisations to reduce the risk of privacy breaches, protect their reputation & brand image & comply with legal & regulatory requirements.

Occupational Health & Safety Standards

ISO 45001: Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems

ISO 45001 is a globally recognized standard for Occupational Health & Safety Management systems. It provides a framework for organisations to manage & improve their occupational health & safety performance, reduce workplace injuries & illnesses & create a safer & healthier workplace for employees. 

The standard includes requirements for hazard identification, risk assessment & risk control, as well as for continual improvement of the management system. By implementing ISO 45001, organisations can demonstrate their commitment to protecting the health & safety of their employees & stakeholders & improve their overall performance & reputation.

ISO 45003: Psychological health & safety at the workplace

ISO 45003 is a Standard that provides guidelines for managing Psychosocial Risks & promoting Psychological Health & Safety in the workplace. It is designed to be used within an Occupational Health & Safety Management System, in conjunction with the current ISO 45001 standard.

The standard gives practical guidance on managing psychosocial risk & promoting well-being at work & includes recommendations for identifying & assessing psychosocial hazards, implementing controls & measures to reduce the risks & monitoring & reviewing the effectiveness of the management system. ISO 45003 is the first global standard addressing psychological health, safety & well-being at work & it is intended to help organisations create a work environment that supports the psychological health & safety of their employees. 

ISO 26000: Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development

ISO 26000 is a standard that provides guidance on Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development. It is intended to assist organisations in contributing to sustainable development by encouraging them to go beyond legal compliance & recognize that respect for society & the environment is a critical success factor. 

The standard provides guidance on seven key principles of social responsibility, which include accountability, transparency, ethical behaviour, respect for stakeholder interests, respect for the rule of law, respect for international norms of behaviour & respect for human rights. ISO 26000 is not a certification standard, but rather a voluntary guidance standard that can be used by any organisation, regardless of its size or sector, to improve its social responsibility performance & contribute to sustainable development.

Risk Management Standards

ISO 31000: Principles & Guidelines for Risk Management

ISO 31000 is a standard that provides principles & guidelines for risk management. It offers a framework & process for managing risks & it can be used by any organisation, regardless of its size, activity or sector. The standard provides a common approach to managing any type of risk & is not industry or sector-specific. The application of these guidelines can be customised to any organisation & its context.

The ISO 31000 standard is designed to help organisations manage risks effectively & efficiently & to provide a basis for continuous improvement of risk management practices. The standard provides guidance on risk management principles, risk assessment, risk treatment, risk communication & risk monitoring & review. It can help organisations identify, assess & manage risks & make informed decisions about risk treatment options.

ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management Systems

ISO 22301 is a standard that specifies requirements for a Business Continuity Management System [BCMS] to help organisations prepare for, respond to & recover from disruptive incidents. The standard provides a framework for identifying potential threats to an organisation’s critical business functions & developing plans to minimise the impact of those threats.

ISO 22301 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining & continually improving a Business Continuity Management System [BCMS], including the processes for risk assessment, business impact analysis & business continuity planning. The standard also includes requirements for exercising, testing & reviewing the effectiveness of the Business Continuity Management System [BCMS], as well as for monitoring, measuring, analysing & evaluating the system’s performance.

ISO 31010: Risk Assessment Techniques

ISO 31010 is a standard that provides guidance on the selection & application of Risk Assessment Techniques. It is intended to assist organisations in identifying & assessing risks in a systematic, transparent & reliable manner. The standard provides a range of techniques that can be used to assess risks, including qualitative, semi-quantitative & quantitative methods.

ISO 31010 provides guidance on the selection & application of risk assessment techniques based on the context of the organisation, the nature of the risks & the decision-making process. The standard also provides guidance on how to combine different techniques to achieve a more comprehensive & accurate assessment of risks.

Social Responsibility Standards

ISO 26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility

ISO 26000 is a standard that provides guidance on social responsibility. It is intended to assist organisations in contributing to sustainable development by providing guidance on social responsibility concepts, definitions & methods of evaluation. The standard is applicable to all types of organisations, regardless of their size, location or nature of their activities.

ISO 26000 provides guidance on seven core subjects of social responsibility, including organisational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues & community involvement & development. The standard emphasises the importance of stakeholder engagement & encourages organisations to take a proactive approach to social responsibility.

ISO 20400: Sustainable Procurement

ISO 20400 is a standard that provides guidance on sustainable procurement. The standard was published in 2017 & provides guidance to organisations, independent of their activity or size, on integrating sustainability within procurement, as described in ISO 26000. Sustainable procurement is a key aspect of social responsibility & ISO 20400 is based on the same principles & core subjects of human rights, labour practices & fair business practices as ISO 26000.

ISO 20400 provides guidance on how to integrate sustainability into an organisation’s procurement policy, strategy & process. It also provides guidance on how to implement sustainable procurement practically & how to measure & evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable procurement practices. By implementing ISO 20400, organisations can improve their sustainability practices, reduce their environmental impact & enhance their reputation & brand.

ISO 20121: Sustainable Events Management

ISO 20121 is a standard that provides guidance on Sustainable Event Management. The standard was published in 2012 & provides a framework for event organisers to integrate sustainability into all aspects of event planning & management, from conception to post-event evaluation.

ISO 20121 provides guidance on how to identify & manage the environmental, social & economic impacts of events & how to engage stakeholders in the event planning process. The standard also provides guidance on how to measure & evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable event management practices. 

IT Service Management Standards

ISO/IEC 20000: IT Service Management Systems

ISO/IEC 20000 is a standard that provides guidance on IT Service Management Systems [ITSMS]. The standard was published in two parts in 2005 & 2011 & provides a framework for IT service providers to establish, implement, maintain & continually improve their ITSMS.

ISO/IEC 20000 provides guidance on how to manage IT services effectively, including service design, service transition, service operation & continual service improvement. The standard also provides guidance on how to measure & evaluate the effectiveness of IT service management practices. 

By implementing ISO/IEC 20000, IT service providers can improve the quality & efficiency of their IT services, enhance customer satisfaction & reduce costs. The standard can also help IT service providers comply with legal, regulatory & contractual obligations related to IT service management.

ISO/IEC 27017: Cloud security controls

ISO/IEC 27017 provides guidelines for Information Security controls applicable to the provision & use of Cloud Services. The standard recommends the implementation of cloud-specific Information Security controls that supplement the guidance of the ISO/IEC 27002 & ISO/IEC 27001 standards.

ISO/IEC 27017 provides guidance on how to manage the security of cloud services effectively, including the protection of sensitive information, data segregation & incident management. The standard also provides guidance on how to measure & evaluate the effectiveness of cloud security controls. By implementing ISO/IEC 27017, cloud service providers can improve the security of their cloud services, enhance customer trust & comply with legal, regulatory & contractual obligations related to cloud security.

ISO/IEC 38500: Corporate Governance of IT

ISO/IEC 38500 provides guidance for the corporate governance of Information Technology [IT] & is intended to assist those at the highest level of organisations to understand & fulfil their legal, ethical & fiduciary obligations in respect of their organisation’s use of IT.

ISO/IEC 38500 provides guidance on how to manage IT effectively, including the roles & responsibilities of the board of directors & senior management, the alignment of IT with the organisation’s strategy & the measurement & evaluation of IT performance. The standard also provides guidance on how to manage risks associated with IT. 

Food Safety Standards

ISO 22000: Food Safety Management Systems

ISO 22000 is a standard that provides guidance on Food Safety Management Systems [FSMS]. The standard was first published in 2005 & provides a framework for food organisations to establish, implement, maintain & continually improve their FSMS.

ISO 22000 provides guidance on how to manage food safety effectively, including food safety hazard analysis, identification of critical control points & establishment of monitoring procedures. The standard also provides guidance on how to measure & evaluate the effectiveness of food safety management practices. 

ISO 9001: Quality Management for Food-related Organisations

For Food-related Organisations, there is a specific version of ISO 9001 called ISO 9001:2015 for Food Safety Management Systems [FSMS]. This standard integrates the requirements of ISO 9001 with those of Food Safety Management Systems [FSMS], such as ISO 22000, to provide a comprehensive framework for managing quality & food safety in food-related organisations.

By implementing ISO 9001 or ISO 9001:2015 for Food Safety Management Systems [FSMS], food-related organisations can improve the quality & safety of their products, enhance customer satisfaction & comply with legal, regulatory & contractual obligations related to quality & food safety.

ISO 22005: Traceability in the Feed & Food Chain

ISO 22005 is a standard that provides guidance on Traceability in the Feed & Food chain. The standard was first published in 2007 & gives the principles & specifies the basic requirements for the design & implementation of a feed & food traceability system.

ISO 22005 provides guidance on how to manage traceability in the feed & food chain effectively, including the identification of objectives, regulatory & policy requirements, products & ingredients & procedures for feed & food chain coordination. The standard also provides guidance on how to measure & evaluate the effectiveness of traceability management practices. 


ISO standards play a significant role in helping Organisations achieve excellence in various areas. Here are some key points that summarise the significance of ISO standards for organisational excellence:

  • Provides a framework: ISO standards provide a framework for organisations to establish, implement, maintain & continually improve their management systems in various areas such as quality, food safety, environmental management & information technology.
  • Enhances credibility: Implementing ISO standards demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to excellence & compliance with international best practices, which can enhance its reputation & credibility.
  • Improves efficiency: ISO standards help organisations improve their processes & systems, which can lead to increased efficiency, productivity & cost savings.
  • Ensures compliance: ISO standards are designed to help organisations comply with legal, regulatory & contractual obligations related to various areas such as quality, safety & environmental management.
  • Enhances customer satisfaction: Implementing ISO standards can help organisations meet customer requirements & expectations, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction & loyalty.
  • Facilitates international trade: ISO standards are recognized & accepted internationally, which can facilitate trade & business relationships between organisations from different countries.

Overall, implementing ISO standards can help organisations achieve excellence in various areas, improve their performance & enhance their reputation & credibility.


What are the 3 types of ISO?

There are many types of ISO standards, but the three main types of ISO standards are:

  • ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems [QMS] for general organisational purposes, including vendor management.
  • ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management Systems [EMS] for managing environmental responsibilities & reducing environmental impact.
  • ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems [OHSMS] for managing occupational health & safety risks & promoting worker safety & well-being.

These three ISO standards are among the most widely adopted & recognized internationally & they provide a framework for organisations to establish, implement, maintain & continually improve their management systems in various areas. 

How many ISO standards are there?

According to the International Organization for Standardization [ISO], as of now, there are 24,676 ISO standards published. However, this number is constantly changing as new standards are developed & existing ones are revised or withdrawn. 

What are the 5 most popular ISO standards?

The five (5) most popular ISO standards are:

  • ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems
  • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems
  • ISO 45001 – Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems
  • ISO/IEC 27001 – Information Security Management Systems
  • ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management Systems

What is the latest ISO Standard?

The latest ISO Standard is ISO/IEC 27001:2022. This standard is related to Information Security Management Systems [ISMS] & provides requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining & continually improving an organisation’s ISMS. The 2022 version of ISO/IEC 27001 includes updates to reflect changes in the Information Security landscape, such as the emergence of new threats & technologies.

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