
How to achieve SSAE 18 Compliance?

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How to achieve SSAE 18 Compliance? 


Maintaining data security & establishing trust are crucial for organizations in today’s digital landscape. Achieving compliance with industry standards is a fundamental step towards safeguarding sensitive information. One such standard that plays a vital role in ensuring data security is Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18]. 

The aim of this Journal is to provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide for organizations aiming to achieve Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18] Compliance, emphasizing the importance of data security & building trust.

Understanding SSAE 18 Compliance:

Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18] is a vital compliance standard for service organizations that emphasizes the importance of data security, privacy & effective control processes. It provides guidelines & requirements for assessing & reporting on the internal controls that protect customer data.

SSAE 18 is relevant to organizations that provide outsourced services such as Data Centers, Cloud Service Providers, Software as a Service [SaaS] companies & third-party service providers. Compliance with SSAE 18 demonstrates an organization’s commitment to protecting customer information, establishing trust with clients, meeting regulatory & industry requirements.

The standard is based on the Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements [SSAE] framework, which is issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA]. This framework outlines the guidelines for conducting attestation engagements & reporting on controls at service organizations.

Key components of achieving SSAE 18 compliance include:

  • Control Objectives: Organizations must identify & define control objectives that align with their services. These objectives typically focus on data security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality & privacy.
  • Description of the System: Organizations should provide a comprehensive & accurate description of their systems, including the services offered, the technology used & the associated controls. This description helps auditors understand the context & scope of the controls being assessed.
  • Risk Assessment: A thorough Risk Assessment is necessary to identify potential risks & vulnerabilities. Organizations must implement controls & mitigation strategies to address these risks effectively.

Assessing Applicability & Scope:

Achieving Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18] compliance requires organizations to assess the applicability of the standard & determine the scope of compliance efforts. Here are the key steps to consider:

  • Determining Applicability: Start by evaluating whether SSAE 18 compliance is necessary for your organization. Service organizations that handle customer data or provide outsourced services may be required by their clients, regulatory bodies or industry standards to comply with SSAE 18. 
  • Identifying Scope: Once the applicability of SSAE 18 is established, identify the scope of compliance efforts. Consider the services your organization provides & the systems involved in processing, storing or transmitting customer data. Determine which controls & processes are within the scope of compliance. This assessment helps focus resources on the relevant areas & ensures comprehensive compliance.
  • Differentiating Type I & Type II Reports: Understand the difference between SSAE 18 Type I & Type II Reports.
    • SSAE 18 Type I Report: A Type I Report provides an assessment of the design effectiveness of controls at a specific point in time. It evaluates whether the controls are suitably designed to achieve the control objectives.
    • SSAE 18 Type II Report: A Type II Report goes beyond the Type I assessment & includes an evaluation of the operating effectiveness of controls over a specified period typically a minimum of six (6) months. It provides a more comprehensive view of the effectiveness & consistency of controls over time.

The decision to pursue a Type I or Type II Report depends on the organization’s objectives & customer requirements. Type II Reports are generally preferred as they provide more robust evidence of control effectiveness & demonstrate ongoing compliance.

Establishing Internal Controls & Processes:

Achieving Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18] compliance requires organizations to establish robust internal controls & processes. Here are the key steps to follow:

  • Conducting a risk assessment: Begin by conducting a comprehensive Risk Assessment to identify areas of vulnerability & potential risks to the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality & privacy of customer data. This assessment should consider both internal & external threats. 
  • Implementing appropriate controls: Based on the results of the risk assessment, implement controls that address the identified risks. These controls can include technical, physical & administrative measures. 
  • Developing policies & procedures: Develop & document policies & procedures that outline how your organization will achieve & maintain compliance with SSAE 18. These policies should align with the control objectives & cover areas such as data handling, access management, change management, incident response & vendor management. 
  • Training & awareness: Conduct training & awareness programs to ensure that employees understand their roles & responsibilities in maintaining compliance with SSAE 18. Provide education on data security, privacy & the importance of following established policies & procedures. 
  • Monitoring & auditing: Implement a monitoring & auditing program to assess the effectiveness of internal controls & ensure ongoing compliance with SSAE 18. This includes regular reviews of access logs, security incidents, system changes & control activities. Perform internal audits or engage third-party auditors to evaluate the design & operating effectiveness of controls.

Engaging an Independent Service Auditor:

To achieve Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18] compliance, organizations need to engage the services of a qualified & independent service auditor. Here are the key steps to follow:

  • Selecting a Qualified Service Auditor [QSA]: Choose a service auditor who possesses the necessary expertise & experience in performing SSAE 18 audits. Look for auditors who are Certified Public Accountants [CPA] & have a strong understanding of the SSAE 18 framework & compliance requirements. 
  • Collaborating with the Auditor: Once you have selected a service auditor, collaborate closely with them to understand the audit process & expectations. Schedule meetings to discuss the scope of the audit, the documentation & evidence required & the timeline for the audit.
  • Preparing Documentation & Evidence: Work with your internal teams to prepare the necessary documentation & evidence for the audit. This includes gathering policies, procedures, control documentation, incident reports, access logs, system configurations & any other evidence that demonstrates the implementation & effectiveness of your controls.

Preparing for the Audit:

To ensure a smooth & successful SSAE 18 audit, organizations should adequately prepare by following these steps:

  • Conducting Internal Assessments [IA]: Perform internal assessments to evaluate your readiness for the audit. Review your controls, policies & procedures against the SSAE 18 requirements. Identify any gaps or areas for improvement & take necessary actions to address them.
  • Reviewing & validating controls: Review & validate your controls & processes to ensure they align with the control objectives & requirements of SSAE 18. Verify that controls are operating effectively & producing the desired outcomes. This may involve testing the controls, reviewing system configurations & validating evidence of control performance.
  • Performing mock audits or readiness assessments: Consider conducting mock audits or readiness assessments to simulate the actual audit process. This allows you to identify any deficiencies or weaknesses in your controls & address them before the official audit. Mock audits provide valuable insights into areas that may require additional attention or improvement.

Conducting the Audit:

The Audit phase is a critical step in achieving Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18] compliance. Here’s how to effectively conduct the Audit:

  • Cooperating with the Service Auditor: Work collaboratively with the Service Auditor during the fieldwork & information gathering process. Provide the Auditor with full access to relevant systems, documents & personnel. Ensure open communication channels to address any questions or concerns raised by the Auditor.
  • Providing access to systems, documents & personnel: Grant the Auditor access to the systems, environments & documentation that are within the scope of the Audit. This includes providing access to relevant IT systems, network configurations, security controls, policies & procedures, incident reports & any other necessary information. Make key personnel available for interviews & inquiries.
  • Addressing Auditor inquiries & requests: Address any inquiries or requests from the Auditor promptly & thoroughly. Respond to their questions with clarity & provide supporting evidence or documentation as requested. Collaborate with the Auditor to ensure a smooth flow of information & resolve any issues or discrepancies that arise.

Addressing Findings & Remediation:

Once the audit is completed, it’s crucial to address any findings or areas of non-compliance identified in the Audit Report. Follow these steps to effectively address & remediate any issues:

  • Reviewing the Audit Report: Carefully review the Auditor’s Report, paying close attention to identified deficiencies, weaknesses or non-compliance issues. Understand the nature & impact of the findings on your organization’s compliance with SSAE 18.
  • Developing a Remediation Plan: Develop a comprehensive Remediation Plan that outlines the steps required to rectify the identified gaps or weaknesses. Prioritize the actions based on their severity & urgency. Assign responsibilities, set timelines & allocate resources for implementing the remediation plan.
  • Implementing Corrective Actions: Execute the remediation plan by implementing the necessary Corrective Actions. This may involve updating or enhancing controls, revising policies & procedures, providing additional training to employees or improving documentation. Regularly monitor & track progress to ensure timely completion of the remediation efforts.

Ongoing Compliance & Maintenance:

Achieving Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18] compliance is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Organizations must establish mechanisms to ensure continuous compliance & maintain the integrity of their controls & processes. Here are the key steps to achieve ongoing compliance:

  • Establishing ongoing monitoring & Internal Audit processes: Implement a robust system for ongoing monitoring & internal audits to evaluate the effectiveness of controls & processes. This includes regular reviews, assessments & testing of controls to ensure they are operating as intended. 
  • Conducting regular reviews: Conduct regular reviews to ensure continued compliance with SSAE 18 requirements. Assess the performance of controls, review policies & procedures & validate adherence to control objectives. This proactive approach helps identify any gaps, weaknesses or areas for improvement & enables timely remediation.
  • Staying updated with changes in the SSAE Framework: Stay informed about any updates or changes in the SSAE framework. Regularly review & understand new pronouncements, guidelines or amendments issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA] related to SSAE 18.
  • Adapting processes: Continuously evaluate your controls & processes to ensure they remain relevant & effective. As your organization grows, introduces new services or undergoes changes in technology or business operations, reassess the applicability of SSAE 18 & modify your processes as necessary. Regularly update policies, procedures & controls to address emerging risks & evolving compliance needs.


In conclusion, achieving Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18] compliance is of paramount importance for organizations. By complying with the requirements of SSAE 18, organizations can enhance data security, protect sensitive information & build trust with their customers.

Throughout this Journal, we have provided a step-by-step approach for organizations seeking SSAE 18 compliance. It begins with understanding the relevance & scope of SSAE 18 compliance followed by establishing internal controls & processes to address the requirements. Engaging a qualified & independent service auditor is crucial for conducting the audit & organizations should cooperate fully during this phase. Addressing any findings or non-compliance issues identified in the audit report is essential through a comprehensive remediation plan. 

Organizations should prioritize SSAE 18 compliance not only to meet regulatory obligations but also to safeguard their Data & Strengthen Customer Trust. Compliance with SSAE 18 demonstrates a commitment to implementing robust controls & processes to protect sensitive information.


What is SSAE 18 compliance?

SSAE 18 compliance refers to the adherence of a service organization to the Standards & requirements outlined in Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18 [SSAE 18] which ensures the effectiveness of internal controls & processes related to financial reporting, data security & privacy.

Which SSAE 18 assessment should be performed?

The two most common types of assessments are SSAE 18 Type I, which evaluates the design & implementation of controls at a specific point in time & SSAE 18 Type II which assesses the effectiveness of controls over a specified period, typically a minimum of six (6) months.

Is SSAE 18 a framework?

No, SSAE 18 is not a framework. It is a set of Standards & guidelines issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA] that provide criteria for conducting attestation engagements & evaluating the controls & processes of service organizations.

When did SSAE 18 become effective?

SSAE 18 became effective on Mon, 01-May-2017. It replaced the previous standard, SSAE 16 & introduced several key changes & enhancements to align with evolving industry practices & technological advancements. 

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