
The BSIMM Framework: A Proven Approach to Software Security

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In an era where software underpins nearly every aspect of our lives, from smartphones to smart cities, ensuring the security of these digital systems has never been more critical. Building Security In Maturity Model [BSIMM] framework is a data-driven, observation-based model that has emerged as a beacon for organizations striving to enhance their software security initiatives.

This comprehensive journal delves into the intricacies of the BSIMM framework, exploring its origins, methodology & practical applications. Whether you’re a seasoned cybersecurity professional or a business leader looking to bolster your organization’s software security posture, this journal will provide valuable insights into how the BSIMM framework can transform your approach to secure software development.

The Genesis of BSIMM: A Historical Perspective

To truly appreciate the BSIMM framework, we must first understand its origins & the context in which it was developed.

The Early Days of Software Security

Security was often an afterthought, in early days of software development. As the internet boom of the 1990s led to an explosion of interconnected systems, the vulnerabilities in software became increasingly apparent & exploitable. High-profile security breaches & the rising costs of cybercrime pushed security to the forefront of software development concerns.

The Birth of BSIMM

The BSIMM framework was born out of this growing need for a structured approach to software security. In 2008, a team led by Gary McGraw, Sammy Migues & Brian Chess embarked on a mission to create a model that would help organizations measure & improve their software security initiatives.

Key milestones in the development of the BSIMM framework include:

  • 2008: Initial research & data collection begin
  • 2009: The first BSIMM report is published, featuring data from nine (9) companies
  • 2010: BSIMM2 is released, expanding to thirty (30) companies
  • 2015: BSIMM6 includes seventy eight (78) companies & introduces the concept of vertical-specific benchmarking
  • 2020: BSIMM11 features data from one hundred & thirty (130) companies across multiple industries

The BSIMM framework has continued to evolve, with annual reports providing updated insights based on real-world observations of software security practices.

Understanding the BSIMM Framework

Now that we’ve explored its origins, let’s dive into the core components & methodology of the BSIMM framework.

What is the BSIMM Framework?

The BSIMM framework is a software security measurement model that helps organizations:

  1. Assess their current software security practices
  2. Compare their efforts to those of other organizations
  3. Plan & prioritize improvements to their software security initiatives

It’s important to note that the BSIMM framework is not a how-to guide or a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, it’s a descriptive model based on real-world observations of software security practices across a wide range of organizations.

The Structure of the BSIMM Framework

The BSIMM framework is organized into four (4) domains, each containing three (3) practices:

  1. Governance
    • Strategy & Metrics
    • Compliance & Policy
    • Training
  2. Intelligence
    • Attack Models
    • Security Features & Design
    • Standards & Requirements
  3. Secure Software Development Lifecycle [SSDL] Touchpoints
    • Architecture Analysis
    • Code Review
    • Security Testing
  4. Deployment

Within these twelve (12) practices, the BSIMM framework identifies one hundred & twenty one (121) activities that organizations may perform as part of their software security initiatives.

The BSIMM Assessment Process

The BSIMM assessment process typically involves:

  1. Data collection through interviews with key personnel
  2. Analysis of the organization’s software security activities
  3. Comparison of the organization’s practices to the BSIMM dataset
  4. Generation of a BSIMM score & recommendations for improvement

This process allows organizations to benchmark their software security efforts & identify areas for improvement.

Key Components of the BSIMM Framework

Let’s explore each of the four (4) domains of the BSIMM framework in more detail.


The Governance domain focuses on how an organization manages its software security initiative.

Strategy & Metrics

This practice involves:

  • Defining software security goals
  • Creating & tracking metrics to measure progress
  • Aligning software security efforts with business objectives

Compliance & Policy

Key activities include:

  • Developing & enforcing security policies
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations & standards
  • Managing third-party software risks


This practice emphasizes:

  • Providing role-specific security training
  • Developing a security champions program
  • Promoting a culture of security awareness


The Intelligence domain focuses on collecting & analyzing information to improve software security.

Attack Models

This practice involves:

  • Identifying & analyzing potential attack vectors
  • Creating & maintaining a catalog of attack patterns
  • Using threat modeling in the software development process

Security Features & Design

Key activities include:

  • Defining & implementing secure design principles
  • Creating reusable security components
  • Integrating security into the software architecture

Standards & Requirements

This practice emphasizes:

  • Developing secure coding standards
  • Defining security requirements for software projects
  • Creating & maintaining a security knowledge base

SSDL Touchpoints

The Secure Software Development Lifecycle [SSDL] Touchpoints domain focuses on integrating security practices throughout the software development process.

Architecture Analysis

This practice involves:

  • Conducting security reviews of software architecture
  • Performing threat modeling during design
  • Integrating security considerations into architecture governance

Code Review

Key activities include:

  • Implementing automated code analysis tools
  • Conducting manual security code reviews
  • Tracking & addressing security-related defects

Security Testing

This practice emphasizes:

  • Integrating security testing into the QA process
  • Performing fuzz testing & dynamic analysis
  • Conducting penetration testing of applications


The Deployment domain focuses on securing the operational environment & managing vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing

This practice involves:

  • Conducting regular penetration tests
  • Using the results to improve security controls
  • Performing red team exercises

Software Environment

Key activities include:

  • Hardening the runtime environment
  • Implementing secure configuration management
  • Monitoring applications for security events

Configuration Management & Vulnerability Management

This practice emphasizes:

  • Maintaining an inventory of applications & dependencies
  • Implementing a patch management process
  • Conducting regular vulnerability assessments

The BSIMM Framework in Action

To better understand how the BSIMM framework can be applied, let’s explore its implementation process & benefits.

Implementing the BSIMM Framework

Implementing the BSIMM framework typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Assessment: Conduct a BSIMM assessment to establish a baseline of your organization’s software security practices.
  2. Gap Analysis: Compare your organization’s practices to the BSIMM dataset & identify areas for improvement.
  3. Prioritization: Based on the gap analysis, prioritize which activities to implement or enhance.
  4. Action Planning: Develop a roadmap for implementing new security activities or improving existing ones.
  5. Implementation: Execute the action plan, integrating new practices into your Software Development Lifecycle.
  6. Measurement & Refinement: Continuously measure progress & refine your approach based on results & changing needs.
  7. Reassessment: Periodically reassess your organization using the BSIMM framework to track progress & identify new areas for improvement.

Benefits of the BSIMM Framework

Implementing the BSIMM framework can provide numerous benefits:

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making: The BSIMM framework provides objective data to inform software security strategies.
  2. Benchmarking: Organizations can compare their practices to industry peers & leaders.
  3. Comprehensive Coverage: The framework addresses all aspects of software security, from governance to deployment.
  4. Flexibility: The BSIMM framework can be adapted to organizations of different sizes & industries.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Regular assessments & updates encourage ongoing enhancement of security practices.
  6. Risk Reduction: Implementing BSIMM activities can significantly reduce software security risks.
  7. Cost Efficiency: By identifying & prioritizing the most effective practices, organizations can optimize their security investments.

Challenges & Limitations of the BSIMM Framework

While the BSIMM framework offers numerous benefits, it’s important to acknowledge its challenges & limitations:

  1. Complexity: With one hundred and twenty one (121) activities across twelve (12) practices, the BSIMM framework can be overwhelming for smaller organizations or those new to software security.
  2. Resource Intensity: Conducting a full BSIMM assessment & implementing improvements can require significant time & resources.
  3. Descriptive Nature: As a descriptive model, BSIMM doesn’t prescribe specific solutions, which some organizations may find challenging.
  4. Limited Applicability: The BSIMM framework is specifically focused on software security & may not address all aspects of an organization’s overall security needs.
  5. Potential for Misinterpretation: Without proper guidance, organizations might misinterpret the BSIMM data or attempt to implement practices that aren’t suitable for their context.
  6. Evolving Threat Landscape: The rapidly changing nature of cybersecurity threats means that even recent BSIMM data may not reflect the latest risks & best practices.

Despite these challenges, many organizations find that the benefits of the BSIMM framework outweigh its limitations, especially when it’s implemented with a clear understanding of its purpose & limitations.


The BSIMM framework stands as a powerful tool in the arsenal of software security, offering organizations a data-driven approach to assessing, comparing & improving their security initiatives. By providing a comprehensive view of real-world software security practices, BSIMM enables organizations to make informed decisions about where to focus their efforts & resources.

As we’ve explored in this journal, the BSIMM framework’s strength lies in its observational nature, its comprehensive coverage of software security activities & its ability to provide industry benchmarks. While it’s not without challenges, the framework’s flexibility & continuous evolution make it a valuable resource for organizations of all sizes & across various industries.

As software continues to play an increasingly critical role in our world, the importance of robust security practices cannot be overstated. The BSIMM framework offers a proven approach to enhancing software security, helping organizations navigate the complex landscape of threats & vulnerabilities.

Looking ahead, we can expect the BSIMM framework to continue evolving, incorporating new data & insights as the software security landscape changes. For organizations committed to improving their software security posture, the BSIMM framework provides not just a roadmap, but a community of practice & a wealth of real-world data to inform their journey.

The question for organizations is not whether they can afford to implement a comprehensive software security initiative, but whether they can afford not to. In this context, the BSIMM framework offers a valuable starting point & an ongoing guide for those committed to producing more secure software in an increasingly digital world.

Key Takeaways

  1. The BSIMM framework is a data-driven, observation-based model for assessing & improving software security initiatives.
  2. BSIMM covers four (4) main domains: Governance, Intelligence, SSDL Touchpoints & Deployment, each containing three practices.
  3. The framework identifies one hundred and twenty one (121) activities that organizations may perform as part of their software security efforts.
  4. BSIMM allows organizations to benchmark their practices against industry peers & leaders.
  5. Implementing the BSIMM framework involves assessment, gap analysis, prioritization, action planning, implementation & continuous refinement.
  6. The BSIMM framework is descriptive rather than prescriptive, offering flexibility in implementation.
  7. While powerful, the BSIMM framework has limitations, including complexity & resource intensity, which organizations should consider.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

Is the BSIMM framework suitable for small organizations? 

While the BSIMM framework can be complex, small organizations can benefit from it by focusing on the most relevant practices & activities for their context. The framework’s flexibility allows for scaled implementation.

How often should we conduct a BSIMM assessment?

Many organizations conduct BSIMM assessments annually to track progress & identify new areas for improvement. However, the frequency can vary based on your organization’s needs & the pace of change in your software security initiative.

Can the BSIMM framework be used alongside other security frameworks?

Yes, the BSIMM framework can complement other security frameworks. For example, you might use BSIMM for benchmarking & identifying practices, while using a framework like Open Worldwide Application Security Project [OWASP] Software Assurance Maturity Model [SAMM] for more prescriptive guidance.

Does implementing all BSIMM activities guarantee secure software? 

While implementing BSIMM activities can significantly improve software security, it doesn’t guarantee completely secure software. Security is an ongoing process & the BSIMM framework should be part of a comprehensive, evolving security strategy.

How does the BSIMM framework stay current with evolving security threats? 

The BSIMM framework is updated annually based on new observations & data from participating organizations. This regular refresh helps the framework reflect current practices & emerging trends in software security.

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