
Fintech Cybersecurity

Fintech, short for financial technology, has revolutionised the financial landscape, enhancing convenience, accessibility & innovation. However, this rapid digitisation has also exposed the industry to unprecedented risks & cyber threats. The need for Fintech Cybersecurity:
1. Financial Data Protection
2. Regulatory Compliance
3. Threat Landscape Evolution
4. Business Continuity
5. Trust & Reputation

At Neumetric, we specialise in delivering comprehensive cybersecurity solutions tailored to the unique needs of the fintech industry. Our team of highly skilled experts possesses deep knowledge & experience in securing fintech platforms, applications & data. As the industry continues to flourish, the need for robust fintech cybersecurity measures becomes increasingly critical.

By partnering with Neumetric, you can ensure the protection of your valuable financial data, maintain regulatory compliance, safeguard business continuity & inspire trust among your stakeholders. Our expertise & tailored cybersecurity solutions empower fintech enterprises to navigate the evolving threat landscape & drive innovation with confidence. Contact us today to fortify your cybersecurity defences & secure the future of your fintech venture.

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fintech cybersecurity

Challenges in the fintech cybersecurity industry

The fintech industry faces several challenges in the realm of cybersecurity. Cybercriminals continually advance their attack techniques, posing a constant threat to fintech systems. Compliance with complex regulatory requirements is another challenge, especially when operating across multiple jurisdictions. Third-party risks, such as vulnerabilities in partner systems, scalability while maintaining security & the balance between user experience & robust security measures further compound the challenges. Overcoming these challenges requires a holistic approach involving advanced technologies, robust policies, ongoing employee education & proactive risk management.

To ensure the security & resilience of fintech enterprises, it is essential to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. Compliance with regulations across different jurisdictions presents a challenge, as does managing risks associated with third-party partnerships. Balancing scalability & agility while maintaining strong security measures is crucial. Neumetric, a cybersecurity services and products company, can help Fintech organisations become secure by implementing the tools and technologies required to make it compliant with various cybersecurity standards and regulations.

How to achieve Compliance?

To ensure compliance, fintech firms need highly qualified and educated cybersecurity teams, sophisticated information systems and best practices. Here are the top 3 most suited regulations and compliances for the fintech cybersecurity industry.
Obtaining ISO 27001 Certification
Adopting ISO 27001 gives the fintech sector a competitive edge and fosters confidence with partners, stakeholders and clients. A methodical approach to handling sensitive information, risk assessment and the deployment of suitable security controls are key elements of ISO 27001 for fintech organisations. ISO 27001 provides a framework to reduce the risks associated with cyber threats and data breaches.
Becoming PCI DSS Certified
Compliance with PCI DSS standards helps fintech companies establish robust security controls for handling payment card data, reducing the risk of data breaches and fraudulent activities. By implementing PCI DSS requirements, such as secure network architectures, strong access controls, encryption and regular security assessments, fintech organisations can effectively protect cardholder data and build a secure payment environment.
GDPR Compliance
Becoming EU GDPR Compliant
EU GDPR ensures the protection of users’ sensitive and personal data, promoting trust and confidentiality. GDPR compliance encourages transparency and accountability, requiring fintech providers to inform users about their data processing activities and obtain their consent. This empowers users by giving them more control over their personal information and enhances their overall privacy rights.

Why choose Neumetric?

As a provider of cyber security products and services, Neumetric helps organisations improve their information security and establish a safe environment for their activities.

Our clients

Cybersecurity for other Industries


Discover our comprehensive cybersecurity services tailored for the healthcare industry. Safeguard your medical records and infrastructure with our expert solutions. Enhance your organisation's resilience and trustworthiness with our cutting-edge cybersecurity expertise.


Protect your agricultural operations from cyber threats with our specialised cybersecurity services. Stay compliant with industry regulations and maintain the integrity of your valuable farming data. Trust our expertise to secure your agricultural operations and enable sustainable growth in the digital age.

SaaS Cybersecurity

Secure your SaaS platform and customer data with our comprehensive cybersecurity services. Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations while maintaining the trust and confidence of your clients. Partner with us to fortify your SaaS infrastructure and mitigate cyber risks, enabling your business to thrive in the digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cybersecurity in fintech refers to the measures & practices implemented to protect the integrity, confidentiality & availability of digital systems, networks & data within the financial technology industry. It involves safeguarding sensitive financial data, securing online transactions, mitigating cyber threats & ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations & standards.

Cybersecurity is of paramount importance in fintech due to several reasons. First, fintech companies handle vast amounts of sensitive financial data, including personal information & payment details. Protecting this data from cybercriminals is crucial to prevent fraud, identity theft & financial losses. Second, regulatory compliance is a critical aspect of the fintech industry & effective cybersecurity measures are necessary to meet legal & industry-specific requirements. Third, cybersecurity ensures the continuity of financial services by mitigating risks & preventing disruptions caused by cyber threats. Finally, cybersecurity builds trust among customers, investors & partners, who rely on the industry to safeguard their financial information & transactions.

Cybersecurity plays a pivotal role in finance by protecting financial institutions, transactions & data from cyber threats. It helps prevent unauthorised access, data breaches, fraud & other malicious activities that could lead to financial losses, reputational damage & regulatory non-compliance. Robust cybersecurity measures in finance include securing banking systems, networks, payment gateways & customer information, as well as implementing risk assessment frameworks, incident response plans & employee training programs.

Fintech cybersecurity faces various risks, including:

  • Data breaches: Cybercriminals target fintech platforms to gain access to sensitive financial & personal data, leading to potential identity theft, fraud & financial loss.
  • Phishing & social engineering: Fintech users may be tricked into divulging their login credentials or financial information through deceptive emails, messages or phone calls, compromising their accounts.
  • Ransomware attacks: Fintech systems can be targeted by malicious software that encrypts data, demanding a ransom for its release. Such attacks can lead to operational disruptions & financial losses.
  • Regulatory non-compliance: Fintech companies must comply with industry-specific regulations & data protection laws. Failure to do so may result in penalties, legal consequences & reputational damage.
  • Third-party vulnerabilities: Collaborating with third-party service providers introduces risks if their security practices are insufficient, potentially exposing fintech systems & data to breaches.
  • Insider threats: Employees or individuals with authorised access to fintech systems may misuse their privileges or inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities, jeopardising the security & integrity of financial data.

Addressing these risks requires a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy encompassing strong technical safeguards, regular security assessments, user education, incident response plans & a proactive approach to risk management.

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