

Top 10 defences against Security Breach
Top 10 defences against Security Breach
Top 10 defences against Security Breach
Top 10 defences against Security Breach

Top 10 defences against Security Breach

Top 10 Basic Defences against Security Breach According to security experts, private and public sector organizations are usually an easy target for cyber attacks. And unless organizations get the basics right, they will keep falling prey to battling fraudsters, ransomware rings, or nation-state hackers. In times like these, it is crucial to make sure that

What are Non Disclosure Agreements and Employee Rights?

Non-Disclosure Agreements & Employee Rights To cover-up hostile work environments, companies from different industries are being exposed for their corrupt NDA practices. Many high-profile cases have demonstrated the abuse of Non-Disclosure Agreements [NDAs] so as to conceal bullying, discrimination, harassment, and toxic workplace cultures. According to the latest research: 60% of U.S. workers, 55% of

Next Generation Cyber Security Map

Next Generation CyberSecurity Map Our world has experienced an explosion in the number of solutions, providers, and recommended steps so as to secure a company’s environment and protect it against recent cyberattacks. This is the reason that many enterprises are struggling to get their arms around cybersecurity.   With so many alternatives and no proper solution,

Indian Parliament’s Youtube Channel Hacked!

Indian Parliament’s Youtube Channel hacked! Sansad TV, a YouTube channel for the Indian Parliament was hacked on Tuesday, 15th of February 2022. The YT Channel is dedicated to live streaming the same Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha sessions that is telecasted though the Television channels. The hack temporarily disrupted the live stream until the services

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