
10 Benefits of ISO 27001 in 2024

10 Benefits of ISO 27001 in 2023

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ISO 27001 is a set of standards that can help companies improve the security of their information systems. By following these standards, Organisations can make sure that they have adequate controls in place for managing risks related to data privacy and confidentiality. The ISO 27001 standard also helps companies comply with regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley [SOX] and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR].

Benefits of ISO 27001

The benefits of ISO 27001 certification in 2024 can be significant, but it’s best to implement the system correctly from the outset. Here are 10 benefits of getting your Organisation ISO 27001 certified in 2024.

1. Identify and mitigate security risks

As a risk-based standard, ISO 27001 helps you identify and mitigate security risks. It enables the Organisation to understand the threats to their business, vulnerabilities, and consequences of security incidents. This will help them prepare themselves for an attack in the future.

2. Make data protection an integral part of business strategy

As a business leader, you want to make data protection an integral part of your business strategy. Data protection can help you avoid losing revenue and maintaining customer confidence, trust and loyalty. It’s also important to protect the data you have in order to prevent legal issues from arising. By protecting your Organisation’s information assets, you are able to stay competitive in the market by providing valuable services and products that customers want or need.

3. Demonstrate commitment to data security and privacy

The benefits of ISO 27001 are endless, but there’s no doubt that it makes your company look good. It shows that you’re committed to data security and privacy which is a necessity in today’s business environment. Whether you’re looking for a new partner or trying to expand into a new market, ISO 27001 certification can help your company stand out as an industry leader.

4. Reduce costs of security breaches and downtime

There are many ways to reduce the costs of downtime and security breaches, but implementing ISO 27001 is a surefire way to start. By implementing this standard, you can improve your business’ cybersecurity and create a more secure network—which will result in fewer security breaches and less downtime as a result. Understand the cost of iso 27001 in 2024.

5. Provide confidence for employees, clients, and partners

ISO 27001 provides a clear statement of your commitment to information security. The standard is a public statement that you are taking the steps necessary to keep your data and information safe, which can contribute to building trust with clients and partners. Your employees will also be more confident in their work knowing that there is an established framework for managing information security.

6. Streamline implementation of ISO 27001 with a documented ISMS

When an Organisation decides to implement ISO 27001, it’s important to have a documented ISMS in place. A documented ISMS will help you implement ISO 27001 efficiently. It provides a clear overview of all the steps involved in implementing and maintaining an information security management system, which makes it easier to put together an implementation plan. Whether you are new to the industry or have been around for a while, having a documented ISMS can save time and resources.

7. Implement a process-driven approach to asset management

The ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard that can be used as a framework to support your asset management practices. It provides you with the opportunity to implement a process-driven approach to managing your Organisation’s assets. By following the procedures laid out in this standard, you can better monitor risk management activities and identify any gaps in your processes. As a result, you will be able to improve how your Organisation manages its assets. More specifically, there are several ways in which implementing ISO 27001 may benefit your asset management program:

  • It creates awareness around risks associated with asset management practices
  • It enables Organisations to adopt new technologies or processes that will support their needs
  • It helps them make better use of existing resources

8. Improve overall information security strategy with regular risk assessments

It’s easy to think of ISO 27001 as simply a set of standards you need to follow. But it’s also a tool that can help your Organisation make better decisions and improve outcomes through risk assessments. Risk assessments are part of every information security management, and they are an important component of any information security strategy.

Risk assessments help identify vulnerabilities within your network or business processes, so you can prioritise mitigation efforts based on the most pressing issues facing your Organisation. Risk assessments can be done at any level of the Organisation: from top down (where boards assess risk across departments), or bottom up (where individual teams assess their own risks). Risk assessment tools like ISO 27001 play an instrumental role in these evaluations by providing guidance on how to conduct them effectively, specifically for IT environments, and how often they should occur (annually is the recommended frequency).

9. Implement best practices for managing BCP and employee awareness.

ISO 27001 provides a framework for managing information security, which includes best practices for Business Continuity Planning [BCP] and employee training around IT and cybersecurity topics.

To ensure that your Organisation is prepared to recover from any type of disruption, you should develop a business continuity plan that covers all aspects of an emergency: the initial response, immediate actions and recovery steps. A well-written plan will also help train employees so they know what to do during an emergency situation or cyberattack.

10. Benefits of ISO 27001 applies for companies in almost any industry

ISO 27001 is a good fit for companies of all sizes and in any industry. You might be surprised to learn that ISO 27001 has helped companies in the healthcare, education, financial services and government sectors to protect their information assets.

ISO 27001 2024 Updates

There are a few updates to the new ISO 27001:2022 standard. Some of them include requirements of interested parties to be addressed in the ISMS, planning of changes in change management, changes based on management reviews and so on.

The number of security controls in ISO 27001:2022 has reduced to 93 from 114 as published in the ISO 27001:2013 version. The number of annexure sections have also been reduced from 14 (in the 2013 version) to 4 in the 2022 version.

Read Advisera’s article to know more about all the updates that have been made to the ISO 27001 standard.

Getting your ISO 27001 Certification from Neumetric

Neumetric is a leading cybersecurity products and services organisation. We provide ISO 27001 certification services to many companies. Our team of experienced and certified consultants can help you implement, maintain and improve an ISO 27001 compliant ISMS.

We have years of experience in assessing Organisations based on the ISO 27001 Standard and identifying the gaps that need to be filled in order to achieve certification. We conduct regular risk assessments and employee awareness training that are inline with the ISO 27001 framework to ensure that you have a robust and compliant ISMS. We are committed to helping our clients achieve their cyber security goals through the implementation of ISO 27001 certification services.


ISO 27001 is the most widely-adopted cyber security standard. It provides a framework for organisations to implement, maintain and improve their cyber security controls. The standard focuses on the risk management aspect of ISMS and helps you adopt a proactive approach towards protecting your information assets. Implementing an ISO 27001-compliant ISMS is a significant undertaking that requires the involvement of many different stakeholders. The time and resources required to successfully implement an ISO 27001 compliant ISMS can be substantial. As such, it’s important for organisations to select a partner with extensive experience in implementing and maintaining ISO 27001 certification services.

This article has outlined the benefits of ISO 27001 and why you should choose Neumetric to get your Organisation ISO 27001 Certified.


What are the benefits of ISO 27001 certification?

The most notable benefits of ISO 27001 Certification include:

  • Enhanced security and protection from cyber attacks
  • Your customers trust you with their data.
  • Improved employee productivity and morale, etc.

What is the impact of ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is the most widely recognized information security standard in the world. It’s used by over 400,000 companies in more than 180 countries to protect their data and prevent cyberattacks. By adhering to this standard, you can ensure that your business is protected from a wide range of risks including physical theft, unauthorised access, ransomware attacks and data breaches.

What is the value of ISO 27001?

Information security is a top priority for businesses in today’s digital age. The cost of a cyberattack can be devastating, with some estimating that the average cost of a data breach is $4 million. By adhering to ISO 27001, you can reduce your Organisation’s risk exposure and protect your reputation from security incidents.

What are the aims of the ISO 27001 certification?

The primary aim of the ISO 27001 certification is to ensure that an Organisation has an adequate information security management system (ISMS). The standard provides a framework for measuring and monitoring your Organisation’s ability to protect its critical assets from cyberattacks. It also helps you understand how best to respond in the event of a data breach or other cybersecurity incident.

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